Tender Heart
It is a Christmas fairy tale about Kindness and Orange Heart, who cured a boy. The action takes place in the Land of Santa Clauses during the time when everyone is getting ready for the big festival. A sad letter received from a child, who lacked Love, touched Kalėda so he decided to give the little boy a special gift – the Orange Heart. But the Heart had a difficult road ahead with many dangers lurking along the road. Only with the help of Provizor Vilhelmas the Orange Heart reached its goal: gave the boy joy, love and fulfilled his biggest wish. The Provizor was fascinated by the Heart’s kindness, mercy, and sacrifice so he called this Heart the Tender Heart.
Creation of the fairy tale was ordered by “Gintarinė vaistinė”. The readers of magazine “Tipu Tapu” are welcome to make their own fairy tale – mini book by taking out the middle page of the magazine, bending and cutting the page and putting the small pages to a mini book.
The fairy tale was illustrated by painter Eglė Šablevičiūtė-Gaigalienė.