Imandra Nekrošiūtė-Daukšienė
Author of books
I, Imandra, the creator of educational fairy tales for children, offer you my services in creating your business fairy tale! After all, you do remember how everything started from an idea, from expectations to establish a fairy-tale-like business… Your dream came true: your business is thriving, now it is time for your business to enter the world of fairy tales! A published book written on a topic of your choice will contribute to education of a child on the way of becoming a creative, intellectual, and wise person. Moreover, the activities of your company presented in an unusually attractive manner in the form of a literary piece of work will give you well-deserved joy and strengthen the image as a socially responsible company.
We would make joint efforts so that our joint creative work would catch children’s interest and enrich their knowledge. After all educational fairy tales are content-rich fairy tales combining a fairy tale, reality, and wisdom. Here life’s reality turns into a fairy tale – it is like a sweet pill with double benefits: it is both delicious and good for your health.
Or perhaps you have some other ideas or needs? Our creative team is eager to suggest you unconventional services of creativity, publishing, and communications and would be happy to implement your ideas. Don’t keep your idea in a drawer, computer, or deep in your head – set it free! Be not only guests at my creative home, but also co-authors and partners.
Let the Creative Muse show grace to us!

Educational fairy tales
We will create a fairy tale specifically for you/ your business, which will tell about serious things in a vivid literary-artistic language. Idea, creation of the text, illustrations, publishing, and distribution – all you need to have Your Own Fairy Tale and to be extraordinary.

Magazine for children “Tipu Tapu”
It is a space for communication with the children’s audience and presentation of your socially responsible activities, content-rich services, full-value products for family and children in a unique and creative manner (www.tiputapu.lt).

Preparation and publishing of books
If you have an idea and would like to implement it in the form of a paper or electronic book, we will help you to prepare it: to create or edit the content of the book, to present it in an artistic manner, to prepare it for printing and publishing as well as to take care of distribution and publication of the book (presentation and promotion of the book, etc.).

Public relations services
We offer integrated communication solutions, which would help your personality or business find success. Do not wait for people come to you any more. Instead you should go to the people with the right and target-oriented communications (www.iva.lt/en/).

Creative ideas
Do you lack ideas? We have them! From writing articles, speeches, greetings, texts, scenarios to major international projects.

Educational projects for children